Wisconsin Wrongful Death FAQ

Wisconsin, like many other states, has its own set of wrongful death laws. If a person dies as a result of another party’s negligence, a surviving family member may file a lawsuit under these provisions. This article discusses some of the key aspects of Wisconsin’s wrongful death statutes, such as who can file a wrongful death case and when they can do so.

Damages not belonging to a minor child will be distributed first to the victim’s surviving spouse or domestic partner. In other words, children and spouses are compensated first, followed by parents, then siblings. Here are some Wisconsin wrongful death FAQs.

What damages may be recovered in a wrongful death claim?

In Wisconsin, you can seek monetary damages through a wrongful death claim for things like:

  • Medical expenses of the deceased
  • Funeral and burial expenses for the deceased
  • Economic damages, such as lost wages or income
  • Emotional damages
  • More

What is a wrongful death claim?

A wrongful death claim is a lawsuit in which the heirs of a recently dead person seek monetary compensation. In most cases, family members seek restitution for the death of a loved one.

Your loved one was injured because of someone else’s negligence, and you deserve compensation and justice. 

How are wrongful death damages calculated?

Economic losses, such as medical bills, burial expenses, and missed wages, are kinds of monetary damages. Intangible damages such as loss of companionship and privacy may also be pursued.

Intangible losses are more difficult to quantify. Loss of companionship, loss of love, and other emotional losses are among these losses. Documenting emotional distress, the need for counseling or therapy, and other symptoms of distress can be used to calculate them. 

What is the statute of limitations for wrongful death claims in Wisconsin?

A wrongful death case in Wisconsin has a three-year statute of limitations. If you do not file a case within this time frame, you will lose your right to sue the liable party. If your loved one died as a result of someone else’s negligence, the statute of limitations begins to run from the time the victim was first injured.

In fact, the statute of limitations starts to run two months after the accident. The statute of limitations could present a major threat. Consult with an experienced attorney for more information.

Get Help from a Wrongful Death Claim Lawyer

Unfortunately, wrongful death lawsuits are complicated, and navigating the complexities of Wisconsin law may require the expertise of an experienced attorney. If this is your situation, you should speak with an experienced attorney.

Experienced attorneys will work with you to hold the negligent party accountable for the pain and suffering caused by the death of your loved one. For more information from a Wisconsin wrongful death lawyer, reach out to the Law Offices of Gary S. Greenberg by calling 414-271-7007 or filling out our contact form for more information.