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Time Limits to Sue on Behalf of a Child
Knowing your child is safe is vital for you as a parent or guardian. We always want to know our children are safe and sound. Unfortunately, life isn’t always so simple. Someone may have severely harmed your child, and now they’re struggling to recover from their injuries.
That also leaves your family struggling to overcome the financial and emotional suffering you may have experienced because of the harm caused. But how much time do you have to sue for your child? Read on to learn more about statutes of limitations regarding your child’s lawsuit from an experienced Milwaukee personal injury lawyer.
What’s the Statute of Limitations for Milwaukee Injuries?
When someone is hurt in a serious accident, it’s important to act quickly to recover compensation. As soon as the injury occurs, the clock starts ticking for your injury claim. If you don’t act within three years in Wisconsin, you may lose your chance for compensation.
But your children may not be able to act within three years. Minors cannot seek compensation on their own for an injury or loss. So what can you do about their lawsuit?
Time Limits for Children May Differ
Here’s the good news for parents seeking compensation for their children—their time limit doesn’t start right away. Because they’re unable to sue for their own injuries, their time limit doesn’t begin until after they’re eighteen. Then, they are eligible to sue for their injuries or losses.
This option lets you focus on your child’s recovery, not just their lawsuit. But you may not have the financial support to take this option. So how do you help your child get compensated when they’re hurt by another person’s negligence?
Acting as a Guardian ad Litem
You don’t have to wait for the day your child is old enough for a personal injury lawsuit. You can instead seek compensation on their behalf. A guardian ad litem’s job is to act on the best wishes of the child.
This option gives you and your family a chance to recover compensation after a devastating injury. You don’t have to wait for your child to turn eighteen—you can focus on getting the help they need now to cover the costs of their hospital bills, rehabilitation, and other costs of their injuries.
Contact a Trust Attorney
The lawyers at the Law Offices of Gary S. Greenberg are here to help your child’s lawsuit succeed. We understand how difficult it can be to file a lawsuit on your child’s behalf within certain time limits, but we will help you act quickly and will tirelessly pursue a favorable outcome for your family.
When you’re ready to file your claim, reach out for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer by calling 414-271-7007 or by completing the online contact form below.