Can You Recover From A Catastrophic Injury?

A severe injury can cause an ongoing struggle for victims with pain, financial loss, and emotional turmoil. If you’ve been a victim of a catastrophic injury, you shouldn’t have to live with the consequences without some form of compensation.

Catastrophic injuries often justify personal injury or tort law compensation claims when suffered due to the negligence of another party. When this happens, the lawyers at the Law Offices of Gary S. Greenberg are here to help. Reach out and read on for guidance.

What Impact Can a Catastrophic Injury Have?

A catastrophic injury, in legal terms, is a severe physical injury or illness that has a profound impact on the person’s wellbeing. Catastrophic injuries typically require significant medical intervention to address the patient’s symptoms or injuries and help them recover. These injuries aren’t always permanent, but their emotional and financial impact can still be significant.

You may not know how long an injury will affect you upon first being assessed. The impacts of a catastrophic injury can take some time to manifest, and the physical and emotional damage will depend on your circumstances and the extent of the injuries. Catastrophic injuries may include the following severe injuries:

The accident’s overall effect on your ability to function can differ from person to person. You may find you develop symptoms not typically associated with the initial injury you’re diagnosed with. You must remain in touch with medical professionals following your injury to assess any changes to your condition and your outlook for future recovery.

Although catastrophic injuries encompass many injuries, it’s ultimately the impact these injuries have on your future that decides how they’re categorized. These injuries may be acquired via car crashes, birth injuries, arson, exposure to toxic substances, workplace injuries, defective products, and more. Consult with a lawyer for help categorizing your injuries.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help?

If you or a loved one have experienced a catastrophic injury that you believe you need legal assistance in addressing, you should contact a lawyer as soon as possible. They can discuss the details of your case, whether you’re eligible to make a compensation claim, and if so, how best to do so.

Your lawyer will help gather all the evidence necessary to establish the opposing party’s fault in your accident. Together, we can create an account of the financial, emotional, and physical damages you’ve endured, alongside the long-term impact these factors have had.

Some jurisdictions will additionally allow for punitive damages, which are awarded alongside compensatory damages by a judge or jury to discourage future acts of negligence. Wisconsin law dictates that punitive damages must not exceed twice the amount of compensatory damages awarded, which is worth considering if they’re available to you in your claim.

Find an Injury Lawyer

Suffering from a catastrophic injury doesn’t have to leave you feeling hopeless. Seeking the aid of a personal injury lawyer can be a key step when filing a compensation claim. Reach out to our team at the Law Offices of Gary S. Greenberg for guidance and advice on how we can assist in your case.

If you’re dealing with a catastrophic injury, reach out for guidance starting with a free consultation. You can give us a call at 414-271-7007, or you can complete the following online contact form below to get started.