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Dockless Scooter Accident in Milwaukee: Can I Sue?

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Dockless scooters, or electric scooters, are a booming business in many cities. It’s a convenient way to travel around without the hassle of a car of rideshare. However, scooters leave riders extremely vulnerable to collisions with vehicles and other catastrophic accidents.

That leaves you with serious injuries, expenses, and unanswered questions. For example, if you’re hurt in a dockless scooter accident in Milwaukee, can you sue? Although it can be difficult to sue, you may have a chance to recover the costs of your injuries with legal guidance. The right attorney can give you the guidance you need to overcome your injuries.

Who Is Responsible?

First, determining the party that’s liable for your injuries can be difficult. Often, these scooter companies will do what they can to avoid taking responsibility. Parts of their user agreements often specify that they’re not responsible for injuries if you’re hurt on their scooters. In other cases, an insured driver might have injured you, but their insurance may not cover you because you were on an electric scooter.

However, as more people have suffered major injuries because of these scooters, more class action lawsuits and personal injury claims are being filed against these companies for negligence. Your Milwaukee scooter accident attorney can help you determine whether you’re eligible for a claim and what your legal options are.

Compensation for Dockless Scooter Accidents

If you’ve been seriously injured while riding a dockless scooter, getting compensated for your losses is vital to your recovery. Without these funds, you may not be able to afford the care you need for your injuries and losses.

If you’ve been injured in a scooter accident, seeking out both your economic and non-economic losses is important. You’ve suffered more than your financial losses, which can be added up or estimated for future costs. Your mental and emotional losses, however, may be more difficult to calculate because they’re intangible.

You may need to speak to your lawyer about the tools you need to calculate all your losses, as well as help determining the losses you’re owed. For example, you could receive compensation for some or all the following losses:

Connect with a Milwaukee Scooter Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in an electric scooter accident, you might have trouble getting compensation for the injuries you’ve suffered. It can be tough to overcome the losses, especially if the scooter company is trying to avoid paying out a settlement.

So, if you’re hurt in a dockless scooter accident in Milwaukee, can you sue? You may have grounds for a lawsuit, but first, you may need a lawyer from the Law Offices of Gary S. Greenberg on your side. The right attorney can get you started with a free claim consult, so you know what to expect when you’re injured and seeking recompense.

When you’re ready to get started, seek help by calling 414-271-7007 or by completing the online form below.