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Car Accident with an Out-of-State Driver: What to Do Next

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When you’re injured in a car accident, chances are good that the driver who hit you is someone who lives in the area. They may have been going home or to run errands, just like you. Unfortunately, they were being careless, and now you’re hurt and suffering for it. 

Filing a claim against someone nearby is already a complex process, one that may leave you stressed and struggling to get compensated. If you’ve just been injured in a car accident with an out-of-state driver, however, you may not even know what to do next. If the at-fault party doesn’t live in your state, reach out for help with your claim. 

Working with the Insurance Company

If you were injured in Wisconsin by an out-of-state driver, one of your first steps will still be contacting the insurance companies. While the other driver isn’t in your area, you should still have contact information regardless, allowing you to seek out a settlement from one of the insurers. 

In some cases, you may be able to simply file a claim with your insurance company that will pay out for your injuries rather than seeking out payments from the other party’s insurer. That way, you can deal with your own insurance company to get repaid. 

Keep in mind that the insurance company may not be so willing to pay out for your claim, though. The company may instead try to protect its profits and avoid settling with you. 

Filing a Claim against an Out-of-State Driver

When the insurance company (yours or the other driver’s) refuses to settle with you, your next step may be to take your car accident claim to court. That can be tough, however, especially when dealing with an out-of-state person. They may not want to return to your state, especially if they live a significant distance away. 

In these cases, you may need help from your car accident lawyer to have the driver summoned for court. They may try to fight back, since you’re in a different state, but that doesn’t affect the fact that you have grounds to sue. While some attorneys may not be willing to fight for your claim, our lawyers are ready and willing to help you recover. 

Talk to your lawyer about filing a claim. Typically, you’ll be able to file like you would in claims with two in-state drivers, but your car accident attorney can answer your questions about jurisdiction over your injury claim and how to get your compensation. 

Call a Milwaukee Car Wreck Attorney

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, you might be concerned about more than your injuries. The other driver doesn’t live in the state, and now, you’re concerned that you won’t be able to file a claim. Luckily, you may still have grounds to sue or other options for compensation. 

Get started with a free consultation, and the lawyers at the Law Offices of Gary S. Greenberg can help you understand your options when you’re hurt by an out-of-state driver. To get started, call 414-271-7007 or fill out the online form below.