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Will My Claim Still Go to Court During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

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You’ve had a severe accident in Milwaukee, and now, you need compensation for those losses. Now, though, you may be seeing news about courts closing all over the nation because of COVID-19 and the growing concerns over spreading the virus. 

So, will your claim still go to court during the coronavirus pandemic? That’s a question your Milwaukee personal injury lawyer can help you answer. Reach out to them for more information about your claim and what you can do during this difficult time.

Milwaukee Courts Closing Due to Coronavirus

One of the most common concerns about the coronavirus is the spread of it. Many experts believe the disease is spread through respiratory droplets, so staying at home and avoiding contact with other people is a crucial factor in preventing the spread of the virus. 

Because of this, many courts are taking steps now to protect people. The courts in your area may already be closed until the danger has eased and a vaccine for the virus has been created. 

Time Limits for Personal Injury Claims

That poses a serious problem for people who are already close to their time limits. Personal injury claims have deadlines attached, and if you don’t act in time for your claim, you could lose out on compensation. 

For example, let’s say you had a car accident in Milwaukee two years ago. Wisconsin has a time limit of three years on personal injury claims, so you need to act within three years to file your claim. Now, though, you’re unable to go to court. Will you lose your chance to get compensated? 

You May Still Have Time

The good news is, you still have a chance to act now and seek out compensation for your claim. Chances are good you won’t be able to enter the courtroom for a few months now. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t file a claim in advance. 

Your Milwaukee personal injury lawyer can help you file a claim now, even though courts are not currently in session. Showing that you are acting within the time limits may help you when the courts open again. While things are developing as the pandemic progresses, you may still have a chance to file once the courts reopen, but you may still need a Milwaukee injury lawyer now, not later. 

Connect with a Milwaukee Personal Injury Lawyer for Help Filing a Claim

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many parts of our lives, and that includes our court system. But, that doesn’t mean you don’t have an opportunity to get compensated and recover financially from your personal injury claim. 

Although your claim may not still go to court right away during the coronavirus pandemic, your Milwaukee injury attorney at the Law Offices of Gary S. Greenberg can still help. If you’re hurt and need compensation, despite the pandemic, you can learn more about your options during the pandemic with a free consultation. Call 414-271-7007 or complete the following online contact form to learn more.