New Berlin Personal Injury Lawyer

Getting the compensation you’re owed after you’ve been injured isn’t easy. Raise your chance of success by working with a New Berlin injury attorney.

Suffering a catastrophic injury in an accident brought on by another party’s negligence isn’t just physically painful; it can also be financially debilitating. Between medical bills and taking time off of work to recover from your accident, trying to get by after you’ve been hurt is a challenge.

Luckily, Wisconsin law allows victims to recover the compensation they need to manage any associated costs and obstacles. These rules allow you to file a personal injury claim against the person or entity responsible for your injuries.

If you need help with your claim for compensation, hiring a New Berlin personal injury lawyer from the Law Offices of Gary S. Greenberg could be exactly what you need. Our attorneys are dedicated to helping accident victims protect their rights and recover the compensation they’re owed.

Tell Us About Your Injury

To start your case off on the right foot, your injury lawyer will go over the unique details of your accident to determine what type of strategy will help you win. A few types of personal injury cases are often brought to our attorneys. We’ll use our experience with these cases to help you maximize your New Berlin personal injury claim.

Some examples of serious injury cases that may pertain to your accident include the following:

  • Car Accidents – Whether the other driver was guilty of drinking and driving or running a red light, if he or she was liable for your injuries, you have the right to seek compensation. This also applies to truck and motorcycle accidents.
  • Product Liability – When a product is sent to the market, it’s the manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure it is safe for consumption or use. When it’s not and you’re harmed as a result, you have the right to file a claim.
  • Premises Liability – Property owners are legally obligated to maintain safety on their grounds. If you’re hurt on someone else’s property, you might be able to pursue compensation from the property owner.
  • Work Accidents – Every employee has the right to a safe workplace. When accidents occur while you are on the job, you will be able to file a workers compensation claim. If your employer knowingly put you in harm’s way or a third party contributed to your injuries, you might be able to file a personal injury claim, which can be more valuable than workers comp.

Benefits Your New Berlin Injury Lawyer Can Recover

Once you and your attorney have devised a strategy upon which to build your case, your New Berlin accident injury lawyer will determine which compensation benefits you’re eligible to recover. He or she may even seek damages you never thought you would need as part of your recovery after your catastrophic injury.

Some benefits your attorney may seek when filing your claim include the following:

  • Medical coverage, including hospital stays, doctor appointments, medication, rehabilitation, and travel associated with your recovery
  • Compensation for any time you were forced to take away from work while you were getting better
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Permanent disability

Speak with a New Berlin Personal Injury Attorney

If you recently suffered a serious injury and are struggling to make ends meet, the Law Offices of Gary S. Greenberg can help you get your life back on track.

Get in touch with a New Berlin personal injury lawyer today to discuss your injuries and see how we can help you file a successful claim for compensation. To schedule a consultation, give our firm a call at 414-271-7007 or fill out our online contact form below.