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How Attorneys Investigate Fatal Accidents

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Car accidents can be more than devastating accidents—they can turn deadly in a moment. Many drivers don’t follow basic traffic laws, and distracted or reckless driving often results in fatalities. When a loved one has been involved in a fatal car accident, knowing how to proceed can make a difference if you decide to pursue compensation. 

If you’re pursuing a wrongful death claim, speak with a personal injury lawyer who can help you get compensated. An attorney has the tools and the knowledge necessary to investigate all the factors that led to this tragic event. 

Evidence and Reconstruction

When you’re looking to be compensated, you’ll need to prove that a fatality took place because of the other driver’s negligence or carelessness. To do so, you’ll need evidence, which can be difficult to obtain. A lawyer can work with witnesses and ask for footage from surveillance cameras to present an accurate version of the facts.

A personal injury attorney can also use reconstructions while investigating. Once they’ve obtained the evidence necessary, they’ll look at the accident from all angles and speak with an expert who can reconstruct the accident. That reconstruction can determine who’s at fault for your injuries. 

Analyze Police Reports

A police report contains important information about how, where, and why the accident took place. Analyzing it properly is vital for your claim’s success. Experienced lawyers will go through all details, and won’t proceed until they can file an effective claim on your behalf.

It’s also possible for an accident report to contain a mistake, and your attorney can act accordingly before it’s too late. 

Property Damage

The damage done to a loved one’s property is an important part of your settlement, but for a legal professional, it can help with your investigation. 

The damage done to both vehicles tells a story and will help an attorney understand how a collision took place and who was at fault for that collision. It can also help you determine what the at-fault party did after the initial impact. 

The Importance of Medical Records

You’ll need to prove that your loss was the direct result of the accident. Medical records can be used by personal injury lawyers during the investigation process to determine that the fatality was caused by another individual’s negligence and that it could have been prevented by exercising the right amount of caution. 

Contact a Car Accident Attorney for Help

The presence of a car accident lawyer is crucial if you want to get compensated fairly. Insurance adjusters and the at-fault party won’t hesitate to take advantage of a difficult situation to ruin your claim. 

With help from the Law Offices of Gary S. Greenberg, you can receive the settlement you deserve. We also won’t hesitate to speak with experts who can verify our theories during the investigation process. 

Ready for a free consultation? Give us a call at 414-271-7007 to schedule yours, or fill out our website’s contact form to get in touch with our team. We will contact you as soon as possible.